By the Powers Invested in me by Nobody, I hereby declare that "yet" is the Best Little Word in the World.
Is there any sentence that yet doesn't improve?
I'm not a best-selling author.
I'm not a best-selling author yet.
I can't come up with a way to end this chapter.
I can't come up with a way to end this chapter yet.
I don't have a bazillion Followers.
I don't have a bazillion Followers yet.
I can't <run a marathon, stop eating chocolate, quit my day job> yet.
I haven't contracted an STD yet. (Okay, maybe yet doesn't quite work for that one.)
Yet is a tiny little word filled with huge hope and possibility. There's a goal in sight that we're working towards, and we're not there - yet - but we believe, we know - we can reach it. That there is still time.
The word yet makes me feel like this song, Parallels, by Yes. (Yes is a word very like yet. As I'm sure you've noticed.)
There is no actual video - just play it for the song, and read on. (Provided you don't have crappy speakers. If you do have crappy speakers... never mind.)
Whenever I hear this song, the church organ swelling grandly, the bass notes dancing up and down, the soaring vocals, I feel the embodiment of Yes! and Yet within me, like a girl joyfully twirling and whirling in a flower-filled meadow, with every possible life experience she could ever desire ahead of her and within reach.
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Photo from Dreamstime |
Here's how defines yet
1. at the present time; now: Don't go yet. Are they here yet? [Of course. there's also the annoying Are we there yet?]
2. up to a particular time; thus far: They had not yet come.
3. in the time still remaining; before all is done: There is yet time. [I love love love "There is yet time."]
4. from the preceding time; as previously; still: He came here on a vacation 20 years ago, and he is here yet.
5. in addition; again: The mail brought yet another reply. [Let's imagine the mail is yet another fan letter, shall we?]
6. moreover: I've never read it nor yet intend to.
7. even; still (used to emphasize a comparative): a yet milder tone; yet greater power.
8. though the case be such; nevertheless: strange and yet very true.
Eight different ways to be used! That's a lot of work for such a little word, but yet's a powerhouse, I'm tellin' you.
One more important thing about yet. I have not yet visited all the other A-Z participant sites, but I truly intend to!
How do you feel about yet?
Does it empower you, or are you thinking, "yeah, whatever"?