Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A-Z; Pinterest - Just Keep Pinning, Just Keep Pinning...

I could Pin all day - right, right?  Pinterest is absolutely one of My 26 Favorite Ways to Piss Away Time Do Valuable Research on the Interwebs.

What I want to know is, what's up with all the food porn?

from Notes from the S Life 
What is this Pinterest thing everyone keeps talking about and why is everyone so into it???

That’s exactly what I said a few months ago and now I am completely, ridiculously addicted to it. It’s one of the coolest things to get into and you could really spend hours and hours and hours on it everyday.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, or have heard other people talking about it and feel left out, here’s what it’s all about:

Pinterest is an invitation-only website where you can “pin” things that you see online that you love, organize them into boards and share them with people. It’s super easy to do, and perfect for those who either want an online place to organize ideas or have a single place to reference things you have seen online for later use.

Let’s say you just got engaged and start seeing all these different ideas about flowers, centerpieces, dresses, color schemes, chairs, etc. Where do you put all of that? Sure you can start keeping a scrapbook and organize it that way, OR you can create a board on Pinterest called “Fairytale Wedding” and have all of those ideas pinned on that board.
As a writer, I used a Pinterest board I started on Ugly Holiday Sweaters to visualize and "dress" characters for a chapter I was writing.  I'm not sure if it's the Christmas tree headband, the gift-box shoes, or the tortured face on this young man that does it for me.

I find insightful and poignant quotes on Pinterest to move me back on track...
Source: via Beverly on Pinterest

I pin hot men to inspire me when a sex scene needs some juice.  I Pinned this delectable gentleman to my "Scrumptious Men" board to serve as my inspiration for Mr. Magic Hands in my current WIP (Work-In-Progress), CLOSE KNIT:

There's (virtually) no way to misuse Pinterest.  Except this one:

from Complete Pinterest Guide:

How not to use Pinterest

This is one thing that kinda poked me in the eye few days ago. I got an email from a blogger asking me why I am not following him on Pinterest, when he is following me.

First of all, I don’t follow back just to follow back on any social media. But I went to check his boards and see if I should do it.

He has only a few boards and all of them are internet marketing boards! If I want to read blogging and internet marketing updates and posts, I will follow you on Twitter and Google+.

Pinning a stock image from a blog is not really in spirit of Pinterest and I am sure Pinterest-ers would not appreciate influx of marketers and spammers. So don’t pin stuff just for links! Having a lousy pin won’t get any repins, so it is a waste of time and Pinterest space.
If you Follow me on Pinterest, I will Follow... your Boards that interest me.  I will not Follow internet marketing boards.  Or food porn.  (I stay away from that stuff like a Gamblers Anonymous member stays away from Las Vegas. Even though it beckons enticingly to me.)

All of my pictures for today's post came from - of course - images I had Pinned previously.  Ain't that sweet? 

My A-Z theme is My 26 Favorite Ways to Piss Away Time Do Valuable Research on the Interwebs.

Truly, sometimes an idea from a "pointless" fun site or post or photograph does result in pages and pages of writing.  Or at least a blog post or two.

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